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Was Humanity Consulted about a Fourth Industrial Revolution?

Did we consent to be guinea pigs in the Greatest Medical Experiment in the history of Mankind ?

Were we told of the permanent disabling and life threatening side-effects of gene therapy injections?

Did we consent to our tax dollars to be funneled to overseas conflict, causing food shortages and runaway inflation?

Where did we sign-up for lockdown lunacy, mask madness and the financial destruction of society?

The Global Covid Fraud has as its goals Totalitarian Control 

We’re under attack by the 0.0001% everywhere. If not stopped, we will sleepwalk through the gates of hell, into a one-way trip to digital dystopia."

Doctor Mike Yeadon  Former Pfizer Head of Research 

About C 19 Facts

How We Got Here

Since Early 2020 the World has been plunged into lockdowns, economic destruction, collapsing health systems, repeated pandemic variants, raging inflation, collapsing education system, and an explosion in excess mortality rates, following a global vaccination campaign, largely based on MRNA technology which had never been previously used in Vaccine Technology. 

Historically, vaccines are ten years in development, but within six months of the start of the :pandemic, no less than four companies announced "safe and effective" vaccines?.

After being forced by court orders Pfizer are obligated to periodically publish the results of their trials, overturning applications to keep the data hidden for 75 years.

With over 1274 side effects now available in the published data, we are now faced with a whole plethora of other  "events"  including MonkeyPox, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, Exponential Increases in Cancer and a multitude of other diseases, together with dramatic changes in fertility, spontaneous abortion and a significant increase in life threatening heart conditions in children.

Our research concludes that, the threat to health from Covid-19

was exaggerated by an unreliable and incorrectly applied PCR Test, and was largely over taken by a Pandemic of fear driven by the main stream media and there is much worse to come, in further crimes against humanity, and if we do nothing those crimes will be allowed to eventuate.

The ochestrators of the "pandemic" have been allowed to fulfill their objectives thus far as the majority are trusting of main stream media.


Our only hope is to place the scientific  facts in front of many people as possible!

In order that  we have some hope of returning to normality.


"Free Will ....THATS  OVER .....humans are now hackable animals.... and we will go beyond God of the Bible" 
Yuval Noah Harari.
Advisor World Economic Forum

Was Humanity Consulted, now that the masses meekly accepted the "safe and effective" narrative and unquestionably subjected themselves to being injected with unproven and fatal gene therapy, that they will now not object to your dystopian intended strategy of a future of slavery under the intended One World Government, including

Digital ID



Climate Change Penalties,

Universal Basic Income, 

Central Bank Digital Currency,

    Social Credit System,

24 Hour Surveillance,

Totalitarian Control over Our Lives?

Penetrate World 96dpi.jpg

We are aware of your declaration that our basic right  to Privacy and "Free Will is over", and in order to partake in your dystopian  slave society we must have a Digital ID and.... to this we say

We have considered your plans that we all be subject to vaccine induced self-assembling NANO TECHNOLOGY, rendering us all as hackable animals,  giving you complete control over our minds and bodies.... and we say 

We have considered your plans to create pandemics amongst the animal population, and  to replace our existing food supply with a diet of crickets and insects.... and we say 

We have considered your patent applications, that state that if our DNA is altered by the vaccine induced MRNA technology, then we are now classed as Trans-human, are now the property of the patent holder, and no longer have any human rights.... and we say 

We have considered your plans to replace 500 Million Jobs with Artificial Intelligence, unemployment rates of  up to 80 %, and replace our living wage with a meagre subsistence level Universal Basic Income.... and we say

We are well aware, how the so-called pandemic was based on fear, driven by a completely inaccurate PCR test, and reduced the use of cash, in order that you may introduce Central Bank Digital Currency, that dictates what we spend, where we spend it putting you in total control of our lives,....and we say 

We have witnessed the grossly inhuman conditions currently being imposed on the Citizens of China, potentially to be used as a model for the rest of the world, and the operation of the Social credit System which dictates every facet of their lives....and to this we say

We have actually studied the comprehensive science on Climate Change, and rely on the opinion of over 1200 scientists who say it is a complete fraud, in order to support your totalitarian control, in the guise of forcing us to eat crickets and insects in order to reduce the C02 output, and to that..... we also say 

We are appalled at the frequent and severe extreme weather events world-wide, which have killed and rendered homeless, millions of people, so that you can offer the alternative of "smart cities" where the remaining population are herded, to easier facilitate the   exercise your dystopian and totalitarian control, and to that ....we also say

We are now fully informed that the "Pandemic of Fear" disguised as a "health crisis" was only the first step in your agenda, and realise that if we agree to any part of it, we are resigning ourselves to a life of slavery, and dependency on the whims of a totalitarian authority,for our basic rights of food, shelter and power,... and we say 


"So far the Globalists are on track with their dystopian plan, as any resistance has been in the minority, but their greatest fear is that MINORITY becomes the MAJORITY.....and to that we say"

"Don't sit by the sidelines and watch our freedom fade away you'd better get involved before it's too late!“

 Senator Alex Antic, Australia

30 % of people are Deeply Hypnotized 
 40 % are not but go along with the crowd
Mass Formation.jpg

If we unite the 30% who are “awake” and we stand together speaking every day to everyone we meet against the mass formation - against the narrative - the mass formation dissolves and the crisis is ended.
This is currently a social crisis. And we do have a part to play.
If we don't find common ground to unite we lose.
We must keep speaking out.

Professor Mattias Desmet 

So HOW do WE stop them!!! 

Because they under-estimated the power of the MAJORITY 

From the outset the plan of the Globalist elite has relied on causing divisions in humanity and creating a path of destruction in the full knowledge that the majority would follow the government narrative  which was religiously preached by the bought and paid for mainstream media.


These plans were developed decades ago, and are well documented in the Rockefeller documents. Footage has even emerged as to how the planned to manipulate the masses through the widely accepted media platforms.

The Social media tech giants were fully on board with controlling the information pipeline, with their so called fact -checkers, and de-platforming anyone with a dissenting voice.

They however did not allow, for alternative media sources, such as  Brighteon, Rumble, Telegram, Gab, etc, where an army of "awake' individuals are able to uncover and publish uncensored facts detailing the true horrors of the crimes against humanity  

The evidence in these communities is undeniable, but unfortunately they still have us at a disadvantage as subscription numbers even to the most qualified, accredited and knowledgeable contributors are pitifully low in relation to the global population.



The Globalists rely on the knowledge that its a proven fact that people do not buy into an idea or product unless the message is repeated numerous times and in order to create a movement or successful product that message must reach many and be seen repeatedly.


In marketing terms that is known as REACH and IMPRESSIONS.

That is why Main Stream Media and the "Fact Checkers" were so integral to their satanic plan.

The other Weapon in their armoury was the knowledge that the "awake"  would not continually repeat their message to friends and family for fear of alienating themselves.


But what if there was away for your friends and family to repeatedly see the message, drive them to the truth channels and it is delivered without having to alienate ourselves from our loved ones.


The Globalists have a product to sell, the now proven lies of the "save and effective" narrative and have the Main Stream Media to deliver it.


We have a product to promot, which is far superior and desired by everyone and its name ?


In any competitive market-place the Superior product will always win if the marketing strategy is as good or better than  the oppositions product. 

But what if the Truth had a better marketing strategy with greater REACH  and IMPRESSIONS 


The orchestrators of the "pandemic" have been allowed to fulfill their objectives thus far as the majority are trusting of main stream media.


Our only hope is to place the scientific  facts in front of many people as possible!

In order that  we have some hope of returning to normality.


Once the minority becomes the majority it is a straight choice between THE TRUTH  or the Dystopian Future of Totalitarian Control of the Globalist Agenda.

There is only one choice to make an our ONLY HOPE is to present that choice to the Majority. 

Its a straight choice between, Life, Love, Family and Liberty


Dystopian Slavery !!!!


Abp. Viganò calls for Anti-Globalist Alliance to stop global enslavement of humanity
The John-Henry Westen Channel

Abp. Viganò calls for Anti-Globalist Alliance to stop global enslavement of humanity

"History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition, was not the strident clamor of the bad people but the appalling silence of the good people"

"History has a habit of repeating itself, and when Martin Luthor King made those statements, all those years ago, they are as relevant now as they were then.

He died for his beliefs, and the vaccine injured are dying now, and if the globalists are allowed to proceed with their plans, many more will die, including  children and grand-children.



Kids Running
WEF Founder boasts about penetrating government cabinets

WEF Founder boasts about penetrating government cabinets

Yuval Harari advisor to World Economic Forum reveals that they intend to destroy privacy and humanity will be subject to total 24 hour surveillance.

Yuval Harari advisor to World Economic Forum reveals that they intend to destroy privacy and humanity will be subject to total 24 hour surveillance.

"We Will go Beyond God of the Bible"  Yuval Noah Harari  Advisor to World Economic Forum

"We Will go Beyond God of the Bible" Yuval Noah Harari Advisor to World Economic Forum

Boy Raising Hand

  STOP THEM !!  


PO BOX 273


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