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L'humanité a-t-elle été consultée sur une quatrième révolution industrielle ?

The masses meekly accepted the "safe and effective" narrative, and unquestionably subjected themselves to being injected, with unproven and fatal gene therapy, and the Globalists are now emboldened in the belief, the masses will now not object to a dystopian intended strategy of a future of slavery, under the intended One World Government,

We do not take any pleasure in being the bearers of bad news or the harbingers of doom, but it should be clear to most people now that a number of things don't happen all at once unless they are systematically orchestrated

The last real Global pandemic was over 100 years ago but now in the last 3 years we are supposed to accept a multitude of Health Culture and Financial threats, happening simultaneously?

Unexplained Excess Mortality

Runaway Inflation.

Climate Emergency

Bank Failures

Food Shortages

Energy Crisis


The NEXT Pandemic

Woke Agenda

Digital I.D.

Trans-Gender Normalisation

Avons-nous consenti à être les cobayes de la plus grande expérience médicale de l'histoire de l'humanité ?

As Klaus Schwab CEO of the World Economic Forum proudly boasts "We penetrate the Cabinets"

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Avons-nous été informés des effets secondaires invalidants permanents et potentiellement mortels des injections de thérapie génique ?

A chart for Germany is evidenced, but the best single source for every country can be found at Mortality Watch 

The most heart-rending fact, is that many of the deaths are amongst younger cohorts, that had so much of their lives ahead of them.

And yet some governments continue to approve MRNA injections for infants and pregnant women.

Many of the elderly who died "with covid" (from a faulty PCR test that was amplified so high it would give a positive result to just about everyone,) did not die "of Covid" but from egregiously prescribed end-of-life drugs, Remdesivir. and Midazolam

The big push, was for the elderly and immunocompromised, to take repeated doses of the Covid injections. Unfortunately, the elderly and sick are the biggest expense on the Pensions and Public Health System and are the lowest contributors to government tax revenue.

We need answers, and as always the solution is to Follow the Money 

Most will be aware of the "wonders" of ChatGp and other AI ( Artificial Intelligence) applications, without realizing that AI is destined to replace up to 80% of jobs.

So what will become of the 80% unemployed?

As the evidence is clear many of have died from the Covid Injections and continue to suffer serious illness like nuerological disorders, turbo-cancers  and heart damage.

Those who don't die will need to be "controlled" through 15/20 minute cities,food rationing, Digital ID and CBDC.

La Global Covid Fraud a pour objectifs Totalitarian Control 

Nous sommes attaqués par les 0,0001 % partout. Si nous ne nous arrêtons pas, nous traverserons en somnambule les portes de l'enfer, dans un voyage à sens unique vers la dystopie numérique."

Docteur Mike Yeadon  Ancien responsable de la recherche chez Pfizer 

Digital ID.jpg

La Global Covid Fraud a pour objectifs Totalitarian Control 

Nous sommes attaqués par les 0,0001 % partout. Si nous ne nous arrêtons pas, nous traverserons en somnambule les portes de l'enfer, dans un voyage à sens unique vers la dystopie numérique."

Docteur Mike Yeadon  Ancien responsable de la recherche chez Pfizer 

Digital ID.jpg

La Global Covid Fraud a pour objectifs Totalitarian Control 

Nous sommes attaqués par les 0,0001 % partout. Si nous ne nous arrêtons pas, nous traverserons en somnambule les portes de l'enfer, dans un voyage à sens unique vers la dystopie numérique."

Docteur Mike Yeadon  Ancien responsable de la recherche chez Pfizer 

From the detailed diagram they intend to make Digital ID mandatory for every transaction, travel, finance, health. food, e-commerce and Smart-cities.

"Jusqu'à présent, les mondialistes sont sur la bonne voie avec leur plan dystopique, car toute résistance a été minoritaire, mais leur plus grande crainte est queMINORITÉdevient leMAJORITÉ..... et à cela nous disons"

The same man who branded everyone who did not take the Covid experimental injections as "an idiot" is now on a Digital ID" Crusade.

Listen carefully to what he says "some of the future  vaccines will have multiple shots"

Since 2012 Blairs Foundations have  received circa $30,000,000 from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, of which almost $24,000,000 came since the birth of Covid-19.   Committed Grants | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


"Jusqu'à présent, les mondialistes sont sur la bonne voie avec leur plan dystopique, car toute résistance a été minoritaire, mais leur plus grande crainte est queMINORITÉdevient leMAJORITÉ..... et à cela nous disons"

30 % des personnes sont profondément hypnotisées 
 40 % ne sont pas mais accompagnez la foule
Boy Raising Hand


We discuss this, along with regular updates, on the

Climate Change Hoax,
Vaccine Ingredients,
Digital ID,
Central Bank Digital Currencies, Transhumanism,
5G-Military Frequency,
S.M.A.R.T. Cities,
Universal Basic Income, Weather Modification,
24-hour Surveillance, Communist Social Credit System,
Nanotechnology and Totalitarian Government Control,
in our regular weekly Blog posts, which are free to our mailing list subscribers.

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